HAL Aerospace Museum, Bengaluru what to expect - eNidhi India Travel Blog

HAL Aerospace Museum, Bengaluru what to expect

HAL is maintaining an Aerospace Museum in Bengaluru that is open to visitors 9 AM onwards. I had not visited this place since long so recently managed to pay a visit.

Entered 9 AM sharp- HAL museum ticket counter doesn't accept cash, UPI is OK. Entry ticket is 70 INR per person.

The exhibition includes outdoor and indoor area. Outdoor area has a series of old aeroplanes and helicopters displayed with most of their parts taken off.

The outdoor display units:


While a bit of technical specifications of an aircraft are displayed, showing its history/important event/story would be more interesting to visitors- like did it play any role in a war, what kind of missions it did, anything unique about its development etc.

Other than aircrafts & helicopter, the PSLV rocket, a radar etc are also displayed. But it is not possible to understand more about them, how they work etc as display information is limited

Indoor Units has few more aircrafts on display, along with a scale model a parachute


Below are my observations at HAL Aerospace Museum

  • The simulator section was under maintenance
  • The nursery section is closed
  • Many of the aircraft couldn't go close- have to watch from a distance
  • HAL Museum has a cafeteria but was told they open only by 10.30 AM
  • A souvenir shop also exists 
  • There is a separate hall of fame, but people will miss it as there are no visual signs guiding visitors to this part of the museum

When I visited Air & Space Museum in Paris or similar one in Washington, it was possible to go inside an aircraft like the Concorde or B747, watch videos of these planes in action and so on. No such provision in HAL Aerospace museum.  There is no story telling, we can't know what were the challenges behind various aircrafts or what brave missions they performed.

Along with outdated models, few latest units like Tejas could also be displayed so that visitors can get a feel of latest machines. However no such provision. I don't want to downgrade HAL Aerospace museum- maybe they are doing what best they could do within the allocated budget.

Good that HAL Aerospace Museum is open on Saturday. If you have an hour to space and in HAL/Marathahalli area, HAL Aerospace Museum is a good place to visit.

Similar: Lithuanian Aviation Museum, Kaunas * 747 flight themed restaurant, Chennai *


  1. The HAL Aerospace Museum offers a fascinating glimpse into aviation history, though it would benefit from more detailed stories and historical contexts for its exhibits.

  2. Simulator section is under maintenance from almost 15 years :). And did you miss photographs section displaying history of HAL , people behind its formation, famous personalities who visited HAL etc and also development of vaimanika shastra in India.


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