The hosteller, Brigade Road, Bengaluru - eNidhi India Travel Blog

The hosteller, Brigade Road, Bengaluru

As I was scouting for a place to stay in Bengaluru, the Hosteller came up. They offer dormitory stay starting from about 700-750 INR per night which is decent.

The Brigade Road Hosteller review

  • The bed was comfortable, we get one big pillow, one small pillow, a blanket. Good thing is rooms were not stuffed with beds, only 4 beds (2 cots, 4 beds) per room.
  • Under the bed there is storage space, we have to carry our own lock.
  • Bed gets a lamp and a charging socket.
  • Some beds have a dedicated mini fan as well, mine didn't have it. I guess whatever bed not having easy flow of AC they might have given a fan
  • Washroom is nice. No shower gel or shampoo are kept- we've to carry our own.
  • One small table, a luggage rack was available.
  • The building looked like a bedroom/apartment converted into hostel. Few minor balcony access is also there, windows were large.
  • The hosteller also has private rooms
  • Terrace has an open sitting area, mini stage. I didn't see any games
  • Reception has a sitting area, they also had a restaurant like place but not operated as a restaurant. People can sit and work there though.
  • WiFi is Good.
  • Drinking water is complementary
  • Some rules include no visitors after 9PM, no noise after 10 PM, terrace access closed after 10 PM etc

There was a veg restaurant next door so food was not a problem. Rooftop is a nice place.

The hosteller WhatsApp was irritating- it doesn't respond to any query, just keeps pushing us for web check in and pushes other notifications. I blocked it.

No access card or anything was given. There is no access control to rooms etc. Secure your valuables.

Reception is said to be 24x7, but no one was there at 5 Am when I wanted to check out. Waited few minutes, sent them a mail, waved at CCTV camera and left. Later they called to confirm if I checked out

Had some issue doing web check-in, despite uploading all the files and fields web version was not working. On the day of arrival did web check in on the mobile.

Hosteller seems to have several campuses in Bengaluru. Be careful to select the right one, else you might select one far from your intended area and end up traveling unnecessarily. It was a few rupees cheaper to book directly on hosteller's own website than using aggregator like

Similar: Bangkok's cheapest hostel * Hostels in Taipei * Cheapest hostel in Delhi

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