Bekal Fort Resort: Budget option in Bekal-Review - eNidhi India Travel Blog

Bekal Fort Resort: Budget option in Bekal-Review

Last weekend we spent 2 nights at Bekal fort Resort in Bekal, Kerala. This post is a review of this property.

Bekal fort resort has several independent villas with ground and first floor in each villa. Each floor has 2 bedrooms but only 1 bathroom and small living area.

The good things about Bekal fort Resort:

  • Less than a km from Bekal fort railway station, can even walk if you don't have heavy bags
  • Had good chickoo (Sapota) trees in campus (though not ripe when we were staying) 
  • Parking and open space is decent.
  • Breakfast was decent. Lunch/dinner not cooked at the property, ordered from outside.

Not so good things about Bekal fort resort

  • One bathroom for each bedroom would have been nice. Need to coordinate bathroom usage with guests in another room, not very convenient. The bathroom has 2 doors, one opening into a bedroom, another opening to living area- coordinating 2 doors need some work.
  • No kitchen access or kettle. Some basic access would have made it easier for us to make some coffee or noodles etc
  • Couldn't give us tea or breakfast by 7 AM when we wanted to check out early
  • Has 2 approach roads- one is too narrow, need to use the other one next to the supermarket
  • Bekal fort is 2.5-3 kms away though.

The resort is next to a railway track, we were expecting lots of noise but we did get good sleep- probably because we were tired after Ranipuram trek. There isn't any easy beach access from the resort by walk. You will have to explore some short cuts, jump railway tracks and reach the ocean.

Property also allows events in its campus. There was a crowd of school children on Sunday evening holding some stage events, eating food etc.

I haven't stayed at other properties in Bekal so don't have a comparison. Our 2 night stay for 2 rooms cost us about 7000 INR or about 1700 INR + per room per day which is fair. Because the stay wasn't too expensive I wouldn't complain much. Bekal fort resort is no match to more luxury resorts in the area like Taj Bekal etc but is a decent value for money accommodation in Bekal


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