My viral reel: How save income tax 100% (3 million views) - eNidhi India Travel Blog

My viral reel: How save income tax 100% (3 million views)

I didn't have much luck on instagram all these years. However recently 2 of my reels have gone viral.

Reel 1: How to save 100% on income tax

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Made this video this week on budget day, under frustration of paying too much income tax while rich farmers, celebrities and politicians get away from paying tax projecting their earning as agricultural income.

Overnight it reached a million views and as of now it is counting at 2.1 million. The idea is unique, felt fairly legal and doable and it hit sentiments of lots of tax payers who were frustrated with excessive tax and many other people- businessmen, politicians getting away from tax net.

While a large portion of viewers understood the sarcasm, few complaining their HR is not accepting the idea or what company would do with so much grass.

I am happy I could add some entertainment to so many people. This is my first reel/content to hit a million views.

Thanks to this reel, my follower base increased from 1800 to 5500 in instagram. Follow me at

However same video on Youtube only got about a 15000 views

The video has gone out of control- several mainstream media have also picked it up and published an article on the same.

Reel 2: New attraction in Udupi

Watch on instagram:

This was a simple video recording of the walkway, somehow the video vent viral, amassing almost 800k views and thousands of comments.

I've written a detailed post about this new attraction in Udupi here.

#3 Kambala Video

Below video of mine has also accumulated close to million views over 1 decade


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