Sodhe Vadiraja Matha (Sonda) near Sirsi
Sonda or Sodhe is a religious centre in North Canara (Uttara Kannada) district in Karnataka. It is located near Sirsi, a small diversion while going to Magod falls.
Last year August while exploring places around Sirsi, we took a small diversion to explore Sode (also referred to as Sodhe or Sonda). I wasn't sure what exactly to expect as a tourist and didn't have the time and patience to attend religious events. This post shares what I found at Sodhe.
Sodhe Matha area was about 2-3 kms diversion from main road. As we neared Sodhe, there was a shorter path for pedestrians and if you want to closer in your vehicle, you had to take about half a km circular path.
Sodhe Matha has several branches across Karnataka. The one I have visited is the main branch. Sodhe is one of the 8 mathas (Asta Mathas) set up by Madhvacharya that govern Udupi Srikrishna temple and other religious places.
The main attraction in Sodhe was a historic temple, with lots of attractive carvings. It was totally worth the visit. Photos below.
Do not miss to spot the intricate carvings on the floor as you enter or exit the temple
We didn't enter the main building block- looked administrative/residence not meant for tourists. Those who perform rituals or poojas or visiting the town for temple related activities can book a room here.
The campus is being renovated. Plan below. May be next visit I get to see Sodhe in more details

Official Website of Sode Matha is here Rooms are available for devotees and some services can be booked online.
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