2 guest posts and 2 features and 2 other updates this month - eNidhi India Travel Blog

2 guest posts and 2 features and 2 other updates this month

This post lists some of the recent guest posts I have written, some features and live sessions coming up.

#1 Going Live with Indonesia Tourism

I will be joining Antarik and Shelly Chandok this Thursday for an interactive discussion on Indonesia tourism.

#2 Featured on Means2Madness.

Nidhi Gupta has written a story about my recent life n times- corporate life, break, book, lockdown and more. Do read it here on Means to Madness. Thanks to Nidhi Gupta for the feature.


#3 Featured Gurunath Nakka's Expert Roundup on Time Management.

I shared some professional time management tips in an expert roundup collaborated by Gurunath Nakka for his blog


#4 Guest Post for BlogChatter on Personal Branding.

This month I contributed a guest post for Blogchatter's blog, on mistakes to avoid in your personal branding journey. You can read the post here.


#5 Guest post for Pickyourtrail

Wrote an article explaining what to watch out for in your post covid travel.


#6 Book Community Top 100

A website, Qwertythoughts.com says my book has qualified for Top 100 in their Global Book community awards. But their website didn't have a public list of top 100, so I couldn't independently verify this list. To enter next round I need to get lots of votes from public which requires me to promote their website for free, make my friends register on their site and other free publicity campaigns without any guarantee on success. I am not a big fan of vote based contests, so I have decided to stay away from this.

#7 Almost a million search impressions

My blog has registered about 900k search impressions in July. Hope to touch a million this year.

No major travel this month. Raining heavily in Udupi on most of the days. Probably some local trip later this month.

How is August going on for you?

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