Fredriksdal Open-Air Museum Gardens, Helsingborg, Sweden - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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Fredriksdal Open-Air Museum Gardens, Helsingborg, Sweden

Lots of India Domestic posts in July, Aug and September- time to post few international ones. This one from Europe, when I visited Sweden last year, one of the topics that got max votes when I sought your help in prioritizing outstanding posts. Here we go.

Fredriksdal Open Air museum in Helsingborg, Sweden was not on my original agenda when I planned by visit to Helsingborg town just across the sea from Denmark's Helsignor. I had assumed it to be another typical park/garden not worth prioritizing. But Fredriksdal Open Air museum was one of the 4 attractions covered under the 2 day, 120 SKK tourist ticket, hence I decided to check it out and I am glad I did. Fredriksdal was deemed walkable from Karnan tower, so I began walking with the help of a map. But I struggled a bit to locate the entrance. Eventually I made it. (Fredriksdal is next door to Tropikariet private zoo, which I visited next day- could have planned better to visit both on same day) At the entrance my ticket was verified and I was given a map of the venue. I inquired about a guided tour or audio guide, but they were available only in Swedish, thus I was on my own. (if you are visiting in large group and willing to pay extra, private guided tour in English or other languages will be arranged)

Fredriksdal is a large campus- some 360000 square meters (roughly 600meters each in length and breadth). I decided to begin from a corner, walk along the border and exploring key attractions as shown in the map. The campus has thousands of varieties of trees, hundreds of animals and beautiful structures that depict farm life, Swedish traditions and so on. I spent a few hours inside the campus and believe I have covered most of what it had on exhibit. I will run you through some of the photos I have taken and related details.

Ringstorp Windmill
Windmills like these were commissioned throughout Europe in 20th century. The power of wind is converted into rotary motion and subsequently used for wide variety of purposes- to cut wood, to pump water from the well, to grind oil etc. One such windmill is showcased in the farm, though inside access is not provided. This non functional windmill was situated in one of the corners of the garden, accessible through a picturesque walkway. (Zanse chans near Amsterdam has dozens of windmills)

Fruit laden trees
Several fruit laden trees across the long corridors greet visitors to a unique experience

Above: A Malt drying house.

On the other side were these tall walls purely made from flora. The tree is two times taller than me 

Farm house
A farmhouse structure helps visitors understand village life. The realistic artefacts and interiors are open for explorations

Livestock sheds
Next to the farm was a livestock shed where horses and such bigger animals are housed. Horses and other animals were not in their barracks when I visited- may be they were out gazing elsewhere.

Live Animals- Campus has many live animals, but bigger ones like cows are barricaded behind barbed wires, so couldn't pet them. These goats, known as Goinge Goats were in a open area, could go close and touch them. So clean, friendly and lovely animals they were. Goinge goats are said to be endangered, with only 200 of this breed in existence in Sweden. 

 Above: the Ringamala cow

I didn't spot the horses and few other animals. Either I didn't cover the area fully or they were in areas restricted that day because of Europeade

Luxury Houses
A luxury house is also part of the exhibits here- probably to showcase how landlords lived. A saloon and dentist's setup are also exhibited

The annual cultural festival, known as Europeade was in progress when I visited Helsingborg. Some dances were being performed inside Fredriksdal as well. Read more photos and videos on Europeade in a separate post here

As per map there were several mini museums in the campus. But it looked like entry was restricted to most of them on the day of my visit, as most were probably used as changing rooms for artists of Europeade

Overall, a visit to Fredriksdal is highly recommended if you wish to get a glimpse of Swedish rural life in one place. The ticket counter at Fredriksdal sells tickets for city bus. Buy your tickets here. (you can't buy on board- read my posts about city buses around the world).

Other basic information about Fredriskdal:
Entry timing: 10 AM to 6 PM in summer months (May to August),  till 4 PM only during winter months
Entry Fee: 70 SKK per person for standalone ticket between March to September. Free entry during winter months. Better to buy 120 SKK 2 day pass which covers Fredriksdal, Karnan, Sofiero castle and Dunkers
Address: Fredriksdal Museums and Gardens
Gisela Trapps väg 1, S-254 37 Helsingborg, Ph +46 4210 4500
Landmark: Near Tropikariet/Behind
Approx Time to spend: 3-4 hours (Leisure)/ 2 hours (if in hurry)

Note: Timing, fee etc may vary based on special events, occasions etc. Check their websites for applicable rules and restrictions for the date of your visit.

This post wraps up everything I had to detail on Helsingborg. I might do one last post summarizing my Helsingborg visits.

Other Helsingborg attractions: Radhuset * Sofiero Castle * Dunkers Culture House *


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