Menara Taming Sari-View World heritage site Melaka from top! - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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Menara Taming Sari-View World heritage site Melaka from top!

Menara Taming Sari is a revolving tower at Melaka (also referred to as Malacca) city, Malaysia. Myself and friend Sivakanth decided to try it out.

Menara Taming Sari had an entry ticket of MYR 20 per person, includes a small goodie bag containing water bottles and light snacks. Had to wait in queue for about 15 minutes for our turn.

I was hoping the ride would last 20-30 min, but it got over in about 7-8 minutes flat. I took one round of pics with Nikon kit lens, one more round with 300mm, another with GoPro and wanted to take few more with mobile but we were down already :(  ... There were binoculars next to each seat but no time to use them... What to do! Anyway some good pictures of Melaka town, a UNESCO world heritage city, is shared below...

And Some GoPro views

The views were certainly worth the ride. Do NOT miss the snowball tender coconut near the entrance of Menara Taming Sari.


  1. Okay, I can recognize many of the buildings.
    Marine museum, some malls and hotels along the river.

    We had walked down the alleys and roads and strolled along Melaka river. :-)

    In fact, on my second visit there, I knew more than our Malaysian friend. :-)


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