PVR Cinemas 10 Rs ticket! Cheap Movies - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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PVR Cinemas 10 Rs ticket! Cheap Movies

Chennai is probably one of the cheapest metros to watch a movie, as Govt has put an upper limit of Rs 120 per movie ticket- however popular your movie may be, whatever premium service you may wish to provide, this limit can't be breached. Because of this movie chains like PVR haven't bothered introducing Gold Class or any other such premium service in Chennai. But they are allowed to charge Rs 30 as convenience fee for online booking, charge for 3D glasses in case of 3D movies and some tax on top of it, so a ticket generally costs about Rs 155. That is still way cheap than what some multiplexes charge in Bengaluru for popular movies.

Recently I stumbled upon PVR Cinemas website where they were selling movie tickets for Rs 10. This sounded like Gandhi class ticket in rural theaters (sit on the floor next to screen). It is Rs 10 + Rs 30 convenience fee + Rs 5 tax, total INR 45 per ticket, still one third the normal ticket fee. At first I couldn't believe it- but after checking with few colleagues, I realized that this is indeed true. But when I tried booking it, it gave a complex java error, which seemed so unprofessional. Soon realized that this error doesn't necessarily mean Rs 10 tickets are sold out- it means Rs 10 tickets are not open for booking yet. So if you see below message, do not lose hope, try again later (read on)

Anyways, after checking with colleagues and experimenting myself, I figured out the following:

The Rs 10 ticket won't be open to booking along with normal Rs 120 tickets. Usually, Rs 10 tickets will be opened after all regular tickets are sold out OR few hours before the show time, whichever is earlier. So you should try your luck usually within last 12-24 hours before show time.

You can also try your luck buying these tickets at the counter to avoid 30 Rs online booking fee, but it is very unlikely that any tickets will be left at the counter.

How Rs 10 ticket is different from Rs 120 ticket?
Rs 10 tickets constitute first 2 rows (closest to the screen) in the movie hall. So you will be sitting very close to the screen, which might compromise the experience a bit. But in PVR Velachery, I didn't find any drawback in first 2 seats- there was enough gap between the first row and screen so viewing experience wasn't compromised. But in other theaters this may vary. Do check yourself.

So far, I wasn't a regular visitor to movie halls. During past one month, I watched Airlift, Sanam Re and Nirja using PVR's Rs 10 Rs 45 ticket. I liked Airlift and Nirja movies- very well made, based on historical incidents, both depicting how some people put their own life and safety at risk for others.  If you haven't watched these two, do watch. Sanam Re was waste of time, wasn't even worth the Rs 10 ticket.

Unfortunately there is no Rs 10 popcorn to accompany Rs 10 ticket. Anything you touch at the food counter is Rs 100 and above. A large popcorn + coke combo can set you back by Rs 270-300 Rs. But the popcorn is churned out using Rs 10 ACT II popcorn pouches only, if that consoles you in any way.

Thankfully PVR hasn't picked up any ideas from budget airlines- else they might start charging for using washroom, bag room etc etc for Rs 10 ticket holders.

Do check if there are such discounted ticket options in your respective cities. I am not suggesting leave everything and rush to watch Rs 10 movie. You still have to spend your valuable time, money on transportation, parking etc. So go only if you see the value in it. And folks in Bengaluru can catch a train, come to Chennai, watch movie, go back- it will still be cheaper than buying a ticket in Bengaluru in most cases....

Similar: Movie watching experience in Copenhagen16 in 1 movie reviews * Happy new year- review *


  1. Yes going to Chennai will be lot cheaper. First when i saw 10Rs ticket i thought its may be for some flop movie just to attract crowd.

  2. :) Buzz me when you come to Chennai to watch a movie...

  3. If the same is implemented (maximum ticket price) in Bangalore, I am pretty sure there will be 1 hour of advertisements for 2.5 hour movie.

  4. This was vision of a film star state. However spic cinemas is not passing this feature on.lf u could see a movie in spic cbe or chen and show me the ticket l will take u to a movie. They are so unfair.

  5. I remember your post on cheap airline ticket with expensive food being sold onboard which can surpass the ticket price itself !!!. I hope PVR doesn't implement your ideas for 10rs ticket :)

  6. @sushil-ok. I haven't checked Satyam on this but heard Friends say they also had such offers

    @Nama- You never know how corporates think

  7. So...in which site we have to book?...bookmyshow or PVR site?

  8. It's surprising that the Rs. 120 limit on tickets still exists, esp. given the ownership proximity to authorities. Probably, they are trying to lure more people to watch movies regularly and then relax it later on. Rs. 10 ticket is interesting - I will try to book one too :)

    Destination Infinity

  9. I was shocked the first time webt to pvr bengaluru. Also learned the ka govt charges taxes on kannada movies. Is that still true?

  10. @Agni - Not very sure of latest developments- from what I remember, select Kannada movies get tax exemption...

    I read that TN is also relaxing the Rs 120 top limit

  11. Recently I went to one of my favorite actor's movie. At that time one of my friends suggested me to book movie tickets on PVR Cinemas and I feel very happy after I received the Rs. 100 Cashback through Saveplus.


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