Singapore Botanic Garden-some more pictures - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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Singapore Botanic Garden-some more pictures

I have already written about Singapore Botanic garden in this previous post. But I realized that I have few more pictures worth sharing, hence this post.

Girl on a bicycle: Is an 1987 sculpture designed by Sydney Harpley

Flight of Swans sculpture at the centre of Swan lake
 Below: Wire sculpture, called Passing of Knowledge, designed by Victor Tan Wee Tar.
 Some flowers

Above: Clicked from behind the waterfalls
Below: School children lined up and waiting patiently for further instructions 
There are many other sculptures all around the Singapore botanical garden campus, which is 74 acre huge. I couldn't explore all of it in detail due to time constraints.

Also see: Birds at Botanic garden, Singapore

View all Asia travel posts here and All Singapore specific posts here


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