Skywatch-Sunset at Honnemaradu backwaters, Karnataka - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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Skywatch-Sunset at Honnemaradu backwaters, Karnataka

Went to Honnemaradu recently, for the second time. My first visit to Honnemaradu was few years ago, in Feb. That was in the morning, so no sunset could be seen. [Details here ]

Honnemaradu is a small village some 400kms from Bengaluru (Via Shimoga-Sagara-Talaguppa-Honnemaradu), with few local residents and backwaters all over.

I was under the impression that the name Honnemaradu is coined from Honnu (Gold) and Maralu (Sand). But it appears the name is indeed derived from Honne Mara (Pterocarpus Marsupium or Indian Kino tree) 

Honnemaradu is famous for never ending view of water (it is backwaters from Sharavati river, after Linganamakki dam was created)and scenic sunset view. It is possible to visit Honnemaradu as a casual visitor for couple of hours when you're in the area (while returning from Goa, Jog falls and other nearby places) or alternatively you can come and camp in Honnemaradu and spend a weekend at leisure here. 
The never ending water looks eye catching.
Organizers of Honnemaradu adventure offer free boat rides to visitors- even to those who are not staying with them.

 Few Sunset shots

Above: GoPro pic
Below: The island is cut off due to higher water level. (In feb water level was low, so we could walk across)
Roads to Honnemaradu (last 8kms) continue to be bad. Because the roads are bad and you'll be driving slow, it feels like forever to reach the place. But it will be worth the effort once you reach there. We could drive through in a Maruti 800.

Swimming is not recommended.

Wishing you happy and prosperous new year!

Also note that now there's direct train all the way till Talaguppa from Bengaluru (Train No 16227, Talguppa express). You can catch this to visit Honnemaradu.


  1. Good information and some superb sunset shots!


  2. Beautiful pictures, Shrinidhi.

    Happy New year to you.

  3. Beautiful pictures, Shrinidhi.

    Happy New year to you.

  4. Magnificent views! Happy new year to you too.

  5. beautiful collection of sunset pics !

    Wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year !

  6. Srinidhi,

    Could you please share the contact details and cost of stay at the Adventure camp in Honnemardu?

  7. Awesome pics! left me speechless.
    i have a lot to learn in photography

  8. Thanks Fredamans, Mumbaiiteanu, Ladyfi, Mahesh Divya, Jim..

    @Rainbow: I will check and update. We only did a short visit.

  9. Do check this post for video and adventure details... It costs Rs 2000 per person


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