Europe-Images from Baltic Sea crossing - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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Europe-Images from Baltic Sea crossing

Below are some images clicked during the ferry ride between Berlin and Copenhagen, across the Baltic sea.

Though I've already written about the journey between Berlin and Copenhagen by bus earlier, this post shares lots of photos specific to the ocean leg of the journey- crossing the Baltic sea in Europe.

Below: Taken from the ferry- vehicles lined up to be boarded into the car deck of the ferry.

A light house spotted on the way

Another ferry that went in opposite direction

This is what a life boat looks like. Baltic sea had its share of marine accidents in which ferries sunk into bottom of the ocean. (Watch Youtube videos on MS Estonia and Scandinavian Star). After these disasters lots of safety measures were put in place and ferry ride is fairly safe now.

A church on the shore 
 A crane
 People on the shore

Several small solar powered buoys were deployed in the ocean- these sea mark buoys help captains navigate their ships safely in and out of the port without running into shallow waters or obstacles

Cars and other vehicles are also shipped across the ocean in ferries- one such barge loading cars. 
Another interesting part of the journey was watching birds. Lots of birds flew along the ferry, because of their food prospects were higher as the displaces water might cause the fishes to come near the surface.

 The birds were fairly fearless. I clicked lots of photos from very close distance- they didn't fly away
 Sunset was another attraction-Sunset happens pretty late- something like 9-10 PM in the night.

 Have a nice weekend.
Check more posts from my Berlin visit


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