Bananti mari betta, Kanakapura - eNidhi India Travel Blog

Bananti mari betta, Kanakapura

Kanakapura area has lots of hills that can be explored by trekking. Being so close to Bangalore, it makes an ideal getaway.

Banantimari betta is one such destination. I accidentally spotted the name of this place, not much information exists on the net. I thought of exploring this place during a recent trip, but it didn't work out as planned. We went there, all the way till the foot of the hill. But being mid afternoon of April peak summer, none of the team members were enthusiastic about a trek to the top, so we returned.

If possible, should visit this place one more time, may be early morning and explore it. On top of the hill exists a small temple and offers nice view of Kanakapura town.

While our mission was abandoned incomplete, you might wish to give it a try.
However, the road and background  being scenic, we did click good number of photographs

How to go to Banantimari betta? Reach Kanakapura town, take Ramanagara road. Drive for about 3 kms and there’s a left turn. This turn is easy to miss. If you’ve driven more than 5kms, stop and seek direction.
Once you take the turn, it is one straight road till the foot of the hill. A village exists there. Vehicle needs to be parked here and trek begins. The road is fairly scenic will hills forming the background.


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