Home made steamed Sweet corn - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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Home made steamed Sweet corn

I should have done this years ago, but the idea never stuck me so far.

I used to buy steamed corn at street side shops for Rs 20-25 per stick all these days. Suddenly an idea stuck me that why don't we try it at home.

Today went to a nearby vegetable market, bought 2 kgs of sweet corn for Rs 40 (Rs 20/kg). Got six of them, which if purchased post processing, might have costed as much as 3 times, Rs 120.

But then, good amount of processing is required. The corn is packed inside several layers of leaves. All those need to be removed and cleaned up. Once cleaned, it is eatable raw, if you like the taste. It takes just about 5 mins in a pressure cooker to steam it.

 Above: Left: before cooking, right, after cooking. Do try this approach to save more than 50% money.


  1. We have always done this at home - Mom and I :):) i prefer the not so sweet version to be steam cooked with some salt...

  2. When i first saw boiled corn in Seoul, i was happy to see a fav snack. But the moment i tasted the saltless, not so sweet, yet sticky corn sold for around 1000won, i have given it up until i reach India :(

  3. Seems like a nice of saving some bucks while ensuring good products are consumed. Unfortunately for bachelors like me, who always eat out, this is a luxury.

  4. Anu, thanks for sharing your preferences.

    Vishal: Thanks

    Meoww: Thanks for sharing your experience

    Ramakant: Do try when you visit your native place


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