Tata Indica Vista D90 ZX photoshoot - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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Tata Indica Vista D90 ZX photoshoot

Below are some photos of soon to be launched hatchback from Tata Motors- the Indica Vista D90 ZX.

I was given this car for 3 days and we drove off to Kodaikanal to explore the place and the car. I've been to many other tourist spots in TN and around, hence chose Kodai (had been there in childhood, 2 decades ago). January is not the best time to visit Kodai and I am not very pleased with the photoshoot.  Kodai had few viewpoints, but they were crowded to take nice pic of the car, water falls had dried up. There wasn't anything exciting on the way either. Didn't have time to go greater distance and take better photos.

Sharing only photos in this post. Detailed vehicle review will be next.

Could have done better with this photo shoot.

Also read: Tata Aria [Review, Pic Set 1Pic Set 2Set 3] and Tata Venture [ReviewPic Set 1Pic Set 2, Set 3]. Recently took out a Tata Safari EX 4x4 on a self drive and I haven’t had enough of it yet.[Photos]


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