Underwater sea walk at Pattaya coral island - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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Underwater sea walk at Pattaya coral island

Tried under sea walk at Pattaya- it was a great experience.

Other than few dips and swims near the shore, I haven't spent much time in sea water. During the Coral island trip from Pattaya, had the opportunity of exploring marine life in a different way.

For 1200 baht per person (2300 INR or USD 40), one can spend about 20-30 minutes walking on the ocean bed, having up close view of the marine life.
An oxygen mask will be put on (as shown in above pic) and we'll be asked to go down into the sea water. The mask is connected to oxygen supply through a pipe. Though we're immersed fully in water, air remains above neck level and we can breath normally. Taking full breath was little difficult, but taking smaller breaths was easy.

About 10-12 people will be let inside in a batch, who once reaching ocean bed will form a semi circle holding each others' hand. Staff on duty would open up bread packets under water and fishes would come close trying to eat these food items. They are so many in number and seem to be fully used to tourists. They gather courage and come close to take a bite of the bread piece, but won't let us touch them.
Apart from seeing fishes up close, we were also shown coral pieces and other interesting creatures. In the above picture, each of the pipe would be connecting to one tourist's oxygen mask

If you need a photo/video of your adventure, pay 700 baht extra. We didn't opt for it.

Be sure to keep your head vertical all the time. Any tilting will result in more water entering the mask. You may experience little pain the ear.

Some influential tour guide like person was managing to push his people ahead of the queue, hand in glove with the guy in charge. This resulted in heated arguments and eventually the queue system was honored.

Also see: Parasailing in Pattaya * Scuba diving in Netrani *  Hot air balloon ride


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun. And Asia seems to be the same for queuing and influence!

  2. How do they get you out the water if you have a problem ?. Do you have reserve air ?.

  3. Mridula: ok, didn't understand the second part of your comment

    BD: There're supervisors monitoring- if there's a problem you need to give a hand signal asking to be taken up, you'll be escorted to the surface and back to ship

  4. Great! This is something very adventurous and thrilling to do, i never tried it but love to do it when visit pattaya.Thanks for sharing about it.

  5. I seriously doubt... It may not be safe either

  6. the people who help us to get inside water, stole my mom's mangalasutra( south indian mangalasutra which is 55gms gold). it is not as safe as it seems. u cant breathe well. most of the people in my batch came out within 5 mins.

  7. Spoo: Very unfortunate. Thanks for sharing your experience- helps others be cautious

  8. Does it remains open in July.. Or in other word, Does it remains open in rain ?

  9. Does Underwater sea walk remains open during normal rain ? We are planning to visit during 13th of July.

  10. We went in August and it was open. I guess July will be no different, unless weather is extremely bad

  11. Tried last week they don't have any safety measures they put on my helmet and without asking anything they just pushed me inside and my helmet came off I somehow managed to get to the surface inhaled water too a lady who was about to go inside saw me struggling helped me coming out of water she grabbed my hair and pulled me it was a nightmare I felt I m going to die nobody was there to save me

  12. What for?
    and there to send?

    You can use the contact form on the blog

  13. sir,i visited underwater few days back.i forgot my cd in pattaya,can u plz send me again from your computer plz

  14. Hi Rishi

    Not sure how we can help. Don't think the operator would be reading my blog to note your request. Kindly approach them via your hotel or travel agent. I doubt if they will keep old videos

  15. It would have been better if commentators with bad experience provide name of the tour operators. We would be cautious not to approach them. I saw a good review for "Sea King Adventure". Any comment on this tour operator on sea walk.

  16. Which time is best for diving morning or afternoon because many complaints was that they are not able to see anything below.

  17. Water gets stirred, morning is relatively better.

  18. Hi,

    We are planning to Visit Pattaya on Dec 29th.

    We are thinking to visit below places in one day.
    1. Coral island - Underwater see walk
    2. Dolphin show
    3. Alcazar cabaret show
    4. Walking street

    I'm looking your suggestions on these things.
    1. Is it possible to cover all four in a day?
    2. For coral island - can we do online booking?
    3. How to reach from Pattaya to Coral island? Ferrying?
    4. How to commute between these places? is renting a bike good option?

    Thanks in advance and looking forward for suggestions!

  19. Hi

    Have tried answering to the extent I can
    I'm looking your suggestions on these things.
    1. Is it possible to cover all four in a day?
    I think yes. Leave early for Coral Island, you can be back by lunch time, have evening for Remaining 3. Target 3PM Dolphil show and you can target 5.30 PM Alcazar show (or 7 PM) and finally walking street in the night

    2. For coral island - can we do online booking?
    No idea. I think you can check at your hotel- they will arrange. There is no shortage of boats or seats, so you won't be turned down.

    3. How to reach from Pattaya to Coral island? Ferrying?
    Yes. Usually operators offer a package- hotel to hotel- pickup, speed boat to coral island, glass bottom boat ride and back to Pattaya by speed boat. With stops to try para sailing and undersea walk

    4. How to commute between these places? is renting a bike good option?
    You can hail taxies or if you book a package, operator will factor transportation also

    Renting bike a good option but stay away from operators who ask for original passport as security- it is big risk.

    Hope this helps

  20. How deep( approx in metre) they take us for under sea walk?


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