Huthridurga near Magadi - eNidhi India Travel Blog

Huthridurga near Magadi

Huthridurga is a small hillock off Magadi Kunigal Road. While searching for places around Tumkur, I came across this place. It seemed to be a potential trekking spot with a big rock and a temple on top of it- similar to Ramanagara, Parvathamalai etc. But internet had very little information on this place. I included it in our plan anyway, deciding to explore it on our own. We were driving from Kaidala (off Tumkur) and at a junction we asked a local about Huthridurga. Thankfully he knew about the place and guided us towards Kunigal road, asking us to take left after about 1 km.
We drove towards Tumkur, took left at the right place but even after driving several kms there was no sign of Huthridurga. We cross checked couple of times with locals and eventually reached a place called Santhe halli (Santhe means weekly bazaar). Another left turn here and we could begin our uphill drive towards Huthridurga. Road was narrow and took us till a village on the hill. Road ends here, reaching on top of Huthridurga required another hour or two of trekking both ways. We had Savanadurga as our target and climbing Huthridurga would make us miss Savanadurga, hence we abandoned plans of trekking till top and returned towards Magadi.
Hutridurga (or Huttaridurga also sometimes called as Doddabetta) is a place to visit if you have half a day to space while visiting Magadi

How to reach Hutridurga from Bangalore?
Drive towards Magadi, after crossing Magadi, look for a Y shaped intersection as shown in image below.

Drive on the left side (Kunigal Road) (Right will take you to Tumkur)
After few kms, you’ll find this arch on left (and a mobile tower on right)- take left turn here
Keep driving straight for 6-7kms. Cross check with locals once a while to ensure you’re heading right way. Reach Santhe Halli
As you near Santhehalli you’ll be able to see Huthridurga rock and temple.
At Santhehalli need to take a left turn (after you see a fair price shop on right side)
Drive uphill, park your vehicle near the village and trek (if you’re going in big vehicles or if there’re lot of vehicles (unlikely) then park it at the foot of the hill and trek up.

Nearby places: Savanadurga * Kaidala * Mandharagiri * Kanva reservoir *


  1. Beautiful place...

  2. Nice place. There are so many places in a 100 km radius from Bangalore that we can explore. Good to know more about such places.

  3. Yes Sankara, you're right. I've explored most of them, still many to go

  4. A long pending place in my list of places to visit...

    BTW you have mentioned that, one need to take right in the Y fork. Though that is correct, there is one more Y junction which you get as soon as you come out of Magadi town. (Left takes you to Huliyurdurga and right to Kunigal).

  5. Prashanth:

    I didn't say take right at Y.. I mentioned take left.

    May be there's another short cut- I dont know

  6. What I meant was - while going of Magadi town, you get two Ys. You need to take right in the first one. And turn left in the second. The photo which you have here of the second one.

  7. Huttridurga is beautiful place , like, amazing mountains , rivers , temples , different trees,animals,empire of kampegowda lives places, chaluky, hoisala , gutha , movrya , gang, vijayanagar samarjya are all so lived in this places, here staying people all so nice, this village also very developed compare to any other village , so so nice compare to any other incredible places,

    Best regards,
    manjunatha h

  8. Huttridurga is beautiful place , like, amazing mountains , rivers , temples , different trees,animals,empire of kampegowda lives places, chaluky, hoisala , gutha , movrya , gang, vijayanagar samarjya are all so lived in this places, here staying people all so nice, this village also very developed compare to any other village , so so nice compare to any other incredible places,


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