Mysore landmark photos - eNidhi India Travel Blog

Mysore landmark photos

Not much of a text in this post, just sharing some photos taken in Mysore

St Philomena's Church, Mysore is a historical building in Mysore, stands out due to its nice architecture. We didn't go inside, just clicked few snaps from outside.
On our ways to Chamundi Hills, Police/Army personnel riding horses
 Chamundeshwari temple
 Photos of Birds at Karanji Kere, Peacocks at Karanji Kere * Mysore Airport launch pics * Chennai-Mysore in Skoda


  1. nice pics... they remind me that inspite of trying several times, I have not been able to visit Mysore yet!

  2. Beautiful pictures and I like the first and the third one...

  3. i love mysore. beautiful place to visit.thanks for reminding those joyful days

  4. It's been a while since I visited Mysore. Your post makes me want to go back.

  5. Do go back.... may be during Deepavali holidays?

  6. Nice pics... I have been planning to capture Mysore in pics for long.. The last time I did that was eons ago when I had a film camera.

  7. Hi Arun,

    Do visit again...There're lots to see



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