Pill millipede's self defence mechanism - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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Pill millipede's self defence mechanism

We know several insects, animals and other creatures adopting various techniques to protect themselves from possible dangers. Tortoise hiding itself under its shell, chameleons camouflaging are few such examples. In this post I’m showing another such example, of an unnamed centipede, found in Kodachadri hills off Kollur, Udupi District.

We found this creature crossing our path and clicked a snap.
I touched it with a leaf and it immediately coiled to form a ball. In that spherical shape it could have rolled down the hill and escaped easily (though that’ll be difficult with eyes hidden inside), but it stood still for a minute.
Later it slowly unwinds, checking if everything is safe.
If you know specific name of this species, please share. Centipede and millipede are the smaller variants.

Update: Name of this insect is Pill Millipede or Pill bug (Thanks to Namratha) More about this insect on wikipedia


  1. Difficult to believe that the sphere is the same insect, looks beautiful!

  2. Its a pill millipede (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pill_millipede) - found via google :)

  3. Namratha, thanks for the trouble. I've updated the post with credit to you.

    Where were u all these days?

  4. Привет! С удовольствием почитал Ваш блог. Хочу также поздравить Вас и всех читателей этого блога с новым 2010 годом. Удачи всем, новых жизненных побед и исполнения всех ваших замыслов. :)

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  8. Хороший сайт. Так держать!!!

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  10. Хорошо написал. Так держать!!! :)

  11. +1 поддерживаю

  12. А у Вас талант писателя прям :)

  13. Nice to receive these harmless and seemingly appreciative russian comments.. (translation below) but too many of them, without any identity is not good. Further russian language comments will not be approved if submitted without a name

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    +1 Support

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  15. I also came across such a creature in Uttara Kannada near Magodu falls, which behaved in similar fashion. I have also photographed the same in exact sequence,during 2008. The similarities are striking!

  16. Hebbar Sir,

    great minds think (and photograph) alike :)

    Thanks for visiting

  17. This species is yet to get the taxonomic name and is endemic to western ghats . loved the pics

  18. hello,
    my name is Ambarish c.n inspire fellow of DST, mangalore university.currently i am working on this animal and belongs it class diplopoda,orderSphaerotheriida and genus Arthrosphaera, endemic to western ghat and west coast of india and i want to know which season you have taken this photo and if you have any other details can i get to search wether it is a new speies or already described by pocock and attems.thank you


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