When you don't pay sales based incentive... - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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When you don't pay sales based incentive...

13th October 2008, Café Coffee Day outlet in Terminal 1A, Delhi Domestic airport

2 of their staff were sitting at a corner and chatting-No customers at the counter.
Me: भैय्या ए समोसे कित्ने मे दी? (What is the cost of these Samosas?)
CCD guy: साब चियालिस रुपये एक प्लेट । (Rs 46 a plate)

Me: टीक है। एक प्लेट लगाओ। (Ok, give me one plate)
CCD guy: सर् पन्द्रह मिनट लगेगा-हमारा शिफ्ट बदल् रहा है। -kuch counting or baaki kaam chal rahan hain (Sir, please wait for 15 minutes, due to shift change we need some time to do counting and other related work)

Me: ok

Our flight is delayed and we continue to wait. In between people started visiting CCD and making purchases. One hour later we checked in baggage, got boarding pass and came back to waiting lounge. We went to CCD counter again-No customers and same 2 guys sitting and chatting.

Me: भैय्या दो प्लेट समोसे लगाओगे? (Can you give me 2 plates of Samosas?)
CCD guy: Pandrah minute lagega sir, shift change ho raha hain na- counting or kuch auri kaam baaki hain (Sir, please wait for 15 minutes, due to shift change we need some time to do counting and other related work)

Me: कुच एक घन्टे पेहले तुम यही बात सुनाइ थी ना? क्या आप का शिफ्ट हर घन्टे बदल्ता रेह्ता है? (one hour ago you told the same thing-does your shift change every hour?)
CCD guy: surprised: Oh- aap tabh bhi the? Ek minute-main de dunga… (Oh-was it you that time? Just a min, I’ll get them for you)

I suspect these guys get only a fixed salary and no sales based incentive. So probably they are using this shift change excuse to sit idle whenever possible. CCD management should pay attention on this- else they would risk losing customers.
Even KSRTC had a similar issue- its drivers and conductors used to drive empty, without making any effort to fill seats. Then a policy was introduced wherein driver and conductor would get a small share-1% or 1.5% of the ticket fare collected- this changed the scene-now bus crew take efforts in filling as many seats as possible-by shouting out the name of destination etc...


  1. It is not only about CCD' business, but more about passenger' convenience. If an airport and the contracted vendors fails to provide basic/good service to the passengers we should complain to concerned authority.

    This may help:


  2. Two things surprise me

    1. Never thought that CCD speaks Hindi??? Here they speak only English and that too in an airport, its good to hear them speak Hindi.

    2. Do they have samosas for sale? I thought they would have only coffee and its variants (mocha, cappucino, latte et al)

    My experience in such establishments are close to none . I think, I'd been to the Baristas once to meet a friend. Thats it!

  3. @ Bhupesh

    Thanks, but I don't want to take this at such a seriousness. Those guys will lose their job easily.

    @ Sandesh

    They are local boys and will speak local language if you initiate conversation in the same language.

    Different stores will have different items on sale. CCD Express will only have coffee and some sandwiches bigger stores will have more items.

  4. Rs 46 for a plate of samosas is an absolute rip off.

  5. @ Rajesh,

    That was inside an airport-what else do you expect? It will obviously be a rip off...

    There is no alternative-either stay hungry or catch a cab and go 10 km into the city...

    A plate had 2 samosas- Rs 23 per samosa is nearly 3 times its normal fare...


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