16 in 1 Quick Movie Reviews - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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16 in 1 Quick Movie Reviews

Just a few words or few lines about some of the movies I saw in last 5-6 months. I know all of them are old by now and I am not of first day first show type. I'll watch it at leisure when situation permits... here's what I felt about some of the recent movies...

1. Sarkar Raj:

The first half of the movie was interesting. Looked like a story as interesting as ‘corporate’ movie-as to how they will face various challenges in setting up the power plant and how they overcome it and all.

But post intermission, almost all characters are killed, back to back and Amithab explains the whole logic behind all these killings in one go. The END.

The last scene consisted of Aishwarya asking for a cup of tea. If my guess is right, in next sequel she will be the one heading Sarkar empire

2. Aamir

Simple, straight forward but Refreshingly different story. Last time I’d seen Rajeev was in Left Right Left serial. This particular movie is about how terrorists make him get involved in terror. I feel the story would have been more interesting if Rajeev could identify what is coming up little sooner and in parallel devise a counter strategy to kill those terrorists/gets them captured.

3. ShowBiz
An old movie-makes a good watch.

4. Mast
Typical Ramgopal Varma flick. Ok Ok. I can think of a similar kannada movie starring Shivaraj kumar

5. Hindustaani
Kamal Hasan-Good story and great execution. His idea of punishing the corrupt was good, though illegal. Liked it. No one to carry forward his idea though. Even Lokayukta doesn’t have enough powers to take actions. (If you've read one of my previous posts- a quiz to you: in which raga the song: "telephone dhun main hasne waali" is composed?)

6. Jane Tu…
Good movie. I’d accidentally seen Genelia last time in Bommarilu, a telugu movie which was played while I was travelling in a night bus. Coming back, I liked Nasiruddin Shah’s “Chacha Chowdhry” character the most in the movie.

7. 2050 Love story
Learnt the entire story and saw some clips in a television review. Didn’t feel like watching the movie.

8. 1971
A war movie about how a group of Indian Soldiers makes a failed attempt to escape from Pakistani jails. Based on true incidents like 1971 war and subsequent media reports about several Indian soldiers still kept captive in Pakistani jails (‘last seen alive in 1988’-so touching)

9. Kakana Kote (Kannada)
An interesting Girish Karnad movie. Late Lokesh (kaka), Pavitra Lokesh(Kaka’s wife) and Srinath (King of Mysore) are so young in this movie that it was a whole new experience. Story is about tribal groups and their taxation system.

10. Ondanondu Kaaladalli (Kannada)
Another Girish Karnad movie. Story line is about rivalries in tribal groups and fight between two such groups. Shankar Nag in the lead role. Shankar Nag was a promising actor, whose life was cut short at a young age of 35 due to a road accident. Today’s youth might not have seen much of Shankar Nag, though his brother Anant Nag has been immensely popular. Ranga Shankara in JP Nagar, Bangalore is built in fond memory of Shankar Nag, by his wife Arundhati Nag.

Both Kakana Kote and Ondanondu kaladalli are available with Sri Ganesh Videos for Rs 35. Watch it when time permits-Strong recommendations from me.

Additional info on above 2 movies from Sandesh:

"Kakana kote: Its a drama written by Masti Venkatesha Iyengar. Hero's name in that is actually Kaacha! Well performed by Lokesh. His wife is Girija Lokesh. Pavitra Lokesh is the daughter of Mysore Lokesh (used to be seen in most of the 90s Kannada films as a drunkard), Pavitra Lokesh might not have been born by that time or may be a child.

Ondaanondu Kaaladalli - I'm not sure if it is a Girish Karnad venture but a good one. Its supposed to be Shankar Nag's first movie. Sad that he passed away soon lest, the industry would have grown even better with more sensible movies."

11. A Wednesday
Very good movie. Must watch. Wish every common man could do the same. As interesting as Aamir.

12. Kismat Konnection
No complaints. Retained interest throughout.

13. Bachna Ae Hasino
It was a good decision from the hero to go back and apologize. Rest of the story and movie were typically filmy.

14. De Taali
Not good.

15. Indiana Jones and Kingdom of Crystal Skull
Didn’t like it. Overhyped story.

16. Singh is King


  1. I like Aamir & Wednesday. Both were thought provoking and were made in a bit different manner.
    While it would be risky if everyone followed what was done in Wednesday, it definitely gives an idea of whats going on in the common mans mind.

  2. More info on something.

    Kakana kote: Its a drama written by Masti Venkatesha Iyengar. Hero's name in that is actually Kaacha! Well performed by Lokesh. His wife is Girija Lokesh. Pavitra Lokesh is the daughter of Mysore Lokesh (used to be seen in most of the 90s Kannada films as a drunkard), Pavitra Lokesh might not have been born by that time or may be a child.

    Ondaanondu Kaaladalli - I'm not sure if it is a Girish Karnad venture but a good one. Its supposed to be Shankar Nag's first movie. Sad that he passed away soon lest, the industry would have grown even better with more sensible movies.

    A Wednesday is a good movie to watch with no songs. =)

  3. @ Ranjit


    @ Sandesh
    Thanks for sharing those additional information.

  4. Hmm when did you see all these movies? Hopefully not at one go!

  5. No-of course Not at once. Over a span of 6-9 months...

  6. Hi Srinidhi,

    @Sandesh, commented on the name of female lead you mentioned on the 'Kakana Kote' still its not updated.

    Hope, you may missed it.

    Anyway, nice write up.


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