This post offers some insights into Club Mahindra’s timeshare business by bringing out some key concerns related to their operations and gets a response from Club Mahindra as to how investors, members and prospects need not have to worry about those drawbacks and risk factors.
I hate to write yet another seemingly negative post about Mahindra Holidays,[Read first one] more so after enjoying their Coorg trip. Recently Bhupesh, a Club Mahindra member wrote couple of comments mentioning key facts extracted from the DRHP and I decided to spend some time going through 342 page Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DHRP) which Mahindra Holidays and Resorts India Limited (MHRIL) has filed with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), for the upcoming Mahindra Holidays IPO. After going through this DHRP I am left with far more questions about Club Mahindra that I had before. So made an attempt to list those concerns and get them answered by Club Mahindra.
I happened to read an interview of Ramesh Ramanathan, MD, MHRIL by Kiruba Shankar, an avid blogger and entrepreneur by himself. This interview is available here on CLAY, Club Mahindra’s newly launched official blog. The interview was good-covered Ramesh as a person and gave some highlights on early days of Mahindra’s operation. But unfortunately, the interview fails to address several burning issues timeshare industry is facing. A comment I wrote for that post appears to be deleted.

I listed all questions related to CM’s business, backed with facts extracted from DRHP, I would have asked Ramesh Ramanathan, had I ever got a chance of interviewing him. Bhupesh Gupta reviewed them and approached Ramesh to check if he can respond to these questions. In a prompt response Ramesh requested Mr. Anirudh Haldar, MHRIL’s Marketing head to respond to our concerns. MHRIL was under no obligation to respond to my questions but they have responded in good spirit within a reasonable time. Mr. Arun Nair, Sr. Manager, Web Initiatives, MHRIL (whom I’d already met and interviewed earlier-read that here) was instrumental in coordinating with Club Mahindra Management to get these answers.
As a result now we have around 23 questions and Club Mahindra’s answers to them, providing strategic information any customer/investor/prospect would be interested in knowing. Since these 23 questions and their answers are running into 13 odd pages on a word document, I feel it will be too long to publish as a text in this post. So I have given below questions and answers to 3 questions believed to be critical while rest of the Q&As are being made available as a pdf for any serious reader who may wish to go through completely. Click here to view pdf
Red: Question
Blue: Club Mahindra’s answer
Brown: Shrinidhi’s Interpretation/Response (Shrinidhi is not a CM member and is an independent blogger giving third party perspective)
Green: Bhupesh’s Interpretation/Response (Bhupesh is a Club Mahindra member and has offered an inside perspective)
4 A Do you agree that as of now Club Mahindra has member base far beyond the cumulative capacity of its resorts? (As on October 2007 you had 707 rooms (in 19 resorts, excluding 2 Zest resorts)-since each room can accommodate max 52 customers a year, max member base you can serve is 36764. But as on October 2007 you have 63375 members (page 63, 71 and 171 of DRHP), which is 172% of your inventory, meaning around 26611 members are guaranteed NOT to get reservation every year, under ideal conditions, never mind how early they plan. Actual denial rate is far higher, since some rooms are superior rooms sold to non members, few weeks are purple season and not open to members and some units will be used by corporate clients under Fundayz)
All companies need to deliver on their proposition. Our proposition is Family Holidays with great amount of flexibility, in choice of destination, Season and Apartment, apart from payments plans etc. Now to deliver on flexibility which research and consumer feedback has shown to be the highest requirement we need to allow consumer choice wherein consumer who exercise their choice in advance ahead of others stand to gain. In addition we keep taking rooms and resorts on lease from time to time to provide our members greater choice and options.
As for guarantee of accommodation in the timeshare model applies only with the fixed week model, which is also a very rigid model. We have consciously moved to the floating week floating resorts model because it allows for flexibility which as I mentioned before is highly desirable. This method is also today considered the best practice in the industry in terms for customer centricity. The Annual Subscription Fee, which is payable by the member irrespective of usage is towards the maintenance and upkeep of the resorts and was mentioned to you in my last reply “In terms of the membership fee you pay at today’s pricing and enjoy holidaying for 25 years, the only factor that is increased is the ASF which is also indexed to the Consumer price index as published by the RBI. There are no arbitrary changes done. This ASF is also towards only the upkeep and maintenance of our resorts. Our resorts at Munnar and Goa are 10 years old but are in impeccable state of maintenance. We intend to ensure that for all our resorts going forward as well. I am sure there are umpteen examples of Timeshare resorts which have steadily declined in upkeep and that will not happen to a Club Mahindra member.” As for Holidaying subject to availability I refer again to your earlier query on the same subject”
B: “… Consumer who exercises their choice in advance ahead of others stands to gain.”
In one of round table meeting with our lab director we complained that when we come in morning to office at 10.00 we do not get parking for our scooter or car. He suggested us coming early in morning so that you can get parking.
How much early 8:45 AM? if people who used to come around 10:00 AM start coming at 8:45, definitely they will start getting parking. But what about those who were coming at 9:00 AM, now they will face parking problem. So if they also shift their timing and stared coming at 8:15 AM. You know what I am saying.. if capacity is not enough however early people come their will be people who will not get parking. Coming office early is not going to generate extra parking slots.
In addition we keep taking rooms and resorts on lease from time to time to provide our members greater choice and options.
B: Except few, all these leased resort of only three star qualities.
Q “The major concerns most of the members face is that they're not able to get reservations despite planning well in advance. Why so?
We would disagree with the fact that most members face this issue. We have a metric we track internally of Unique member holidayed which essentially is to ensure that our efforts are geared towards getting more and more and more members to holiday.. However, in an effort to help our members plan their holidays we open bookings 6 months prior to the date of the holiday. Now, there are certain periods which have increased demand in comparison to the rest of the year, like New Years Eve in Goa. I am sure you will appreciate that we cannot build capacity in a location for a small period when that demand is not sustained through the rest of the year. Hence there are cases when some members would call in later in the day and find that period in question is fully booked up. We however have a practice of tracking a waitlist and whenever there is a booking cancellation we are able to confirm the booking for a waitlisted member. “
S: This exactly same paragraph was given as answer by Arun Nair few months earlier (link) he added that the internal metric you are referring to stood at 75% for last year. No further comments.
5 D Can we do something to bring in more accountability in our sales staff? Let us consider insurance agent vs a CM sales rep. My insurance agent will never make false promises to me because though he may manage to sell a policy by making unrealistic promises, he will suffer a loss if I don’t keep my policy in force by paying premiums and do not buy any more policies from him. In other words, an insurance agent is interested in building a long term relationship with his customers. Coming to timeshare sales rep, their sole objective seem to be meeting their targets for enrolling new members which they often achieve by making unrealistic promises and not disclosing various limitations. They are not concerned about the woes of customer later since they gain nothing if customer is happy and lose nothing if he is not. I believe this can be fixed if we can restructure their remuneration in a way similar to insurance agents-pay in stages over few years and link it to member satisfaction. What do you think?
CM: Since we are not in the insurance business, it wouldn’t be appropriate to comment on that. As far as we are concerned, sales remuneration is linked more to a membership perpetuating over time and less to enrollment, in the event of cancellation of membership they stand to lose their entire remuneration for the same – I would also mention that in Insurance this measure is a statutory mandate and in our case a self regulation. Your statement regarding the motives of our holiday consultants is hence ill founded.
S: Ok. Good to know their enumeration is well designed. But like any sales force CM sales reps are also known for exaggerating benefits and suppressing limitations. In some cases when this goes beyond an acceptable limit that severely hampers the credibility of the organization. Let us hope such incidents do not occur in future.
B: If one want to learn how many false promises or exerated figures a CM sales representative can make/present to a prospective buyer, Listen to this:
11. What is your opinion about the fixed week timeshare model? (Where in a member owns a
particular resort unit between two specific dates every year till his membership ends, allowing him to exchange/sell/gift his units without having to depend on resort company for reservations) Will that not be more beneficial to customers?
This practice is falling in to disuse across the world as it is extremely restrictive from a consumer standpoint. Imagine having to go to the same destination every year at the same time, it would be very monotonous. Instead the floating week floating resort model brought to India by Club Mahindra is emerging as the international best practice. It provides far greater flexibility for the consumer to choose from a range of destinations across a range of dates and not be limited with no options.
S: Fixed Week Model failed earlier due to lack of an effective communication medium among members, using which resort units could be traded. Currently, with the advance of internet, I believe that hurdle is totally eliminated. A member can easily exchange his room with some other member owning a room at some other resort/season, or sell it in open market, thanks to power of internet (auction it on ebay or put a classified in Sulekha or advertise in personal blog or Club Mahindra itself can provide a forum wherein members can trade/exchange their holidays. This post highlights the advantages of fixed week model over floating week.
Ramesh Ramanathan, MD, MHRIL
Anirudha Haldar, Head, Marketing, MHRIL
Arun Nair, Sr. Manager, Web Initiatives, MHRIL
Bhupesh Gupta, an esteemed customer, Club Mahindra Holidays.
Club Mahindra logo is sourced from internet and is a property of MHRIL
Disclaimer: Prepared in public interest. Questions are based on DRHP filed by MHRIL with SEBI and answers as given by Club Mahindra executives. Author has no vested interests in the operations of MHRIL and views offered here are independent and personal to author. His employers, family members and others are not related with this in any way. Readers are encouraged to verify the facts on their own and rely on their judgment and discretion.
Looking to BUY/SELL a used Club Mahindra Membership? Visit here
October 2008 updates: MHRIL has put IPO on hold due to bad market condition and in the meanwhile planning to double its inventory, by acquisition of more properties. Data gathered in this post (from DRHP) are over an year old now and I assume we can expect an updated Red Herring Prospectus once market condition improves and Club Mahindra gains confidence to introduce IPO
June 2009 Update: The IPO finally happened and received a wonderful response-oversubscribed by about 10 times. Let us see how this helps MHRIL transform its business in near future.
Club Mahindra FAQs: What are the pros and cons of CM membership? * What are the latest membership prices at Club Mahindra? * What are the Escalation points at Club Mahindra? * Where can I buy/sell a used Club Mahindra membership? * How best to Cancel a Club Mahindra membership? * Zest breaks Review * interview with CM official * MHRIL IPO Q&A* Resort Review-Binsar, Coorg * Indexed cost of CM membership * Fixed vs Floating week membership *
This is a thorough analysis. Thanks for investing so much time and sharing it with us, not that I am interested in becoming a member of CB.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mridula for dropping by and commenting...
ReplyDeleteI am not interested in becoming a member but I would certainly not try to become one after reading the comments. The guys at Mahindra really need a lesson in basic math. They are selling stuff which they do not even own.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised they can get so many members. Maybe there is too much "good" coverage in media.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment.
Thats a very good analysis!
ReplyDeleteI donot have a good experience with CM membership which I cancelled in due course.
Would like to hear from those who experienced 'Zest' breaks to understand if this IPO can be of value.
Thanks Laddoo.
ReplyDeleteBut an investor views a company from a different angle than a customer- An investor doesn't care if customers are happy- he is interested in company making profits...So it may not be fair that one shouldn't invest...given the financials...
Thanks Shrinidhi. I have been pursing your quest to improve CM Holidays with keen interest. Well i got to know about this forum only after i had signed up. Since i had commited to the party anyways, i thought it best to make myself aware of the contra view and know some of the right practices (booking early etc). Today i read about MHRIL filing its DHRP. So i googled and Lo!! what do i find.. no DHRP on SEBI site, but i find a enidhi post.. Man are you current or What :)) :)). Well reason for writing i need to look @ the DHRP and since your link on the post or SEBI website disappoint me im putting this request to you in person. If you can email it to me i will surely apprecaite it, but even a working link/download link is good enough.
ReplyDelete>> Thanks for your crusade which im sure will make life better for the expanding club mahindra family.. (Hope they treat us like one and offer us the next 25 vacations as promised).
@ Vinod
ReplyDeleteI've fixed error in the link now. You can download. However all stats in that DRHP are more than an year old and are obsolete. May be they'll submit an updated one once market improves and IPO is readied for launch.
Dear Srinidhi,
ReplyDeleteFrustrated with the experience of joining their membership, I was looking for some place to vent my concerns and here I got it.
These people are real cheat and have crossed all limits of cheating & fraud.
I was offered membership of by showing rosy pictures and promises attractive gifts. Lured with their response, I paid my initial deposit and kept paying the rest of the EMIs on time.
However the gift they promised never reached me and all follows up and calls went in vein. NO one bothers to pick up calls or to respond to customer complaints not even the feedback team!!. One gets a autogenerated message that someone will contact you within 24 hrs but that never happens till you break the hell and shake their MD's desk.
Frustrated with their response I decided to cancel their membership when they decided to despatch some vague gift to me . I insisted on cancellation of my membership and demanded full refund of Rs. 91,000/- that I had paid till now, when these people started shwong some rule book demanding cancellation charges as high as 30%.
This is a new way of making money they have adopted that they make tall promised to make members but do not live upto their commitments and when customer decides to cancel the membership they demand cancellation charges - this is nothing but daylight extortion !!!.
SEBI must BAR these guys from going public. All their profits and bank balances appear to have been made like this only.
Please help me shake their senior management if you can do .
Many thanks that you have created a blog where frustrated customers like us can share our feelings if not to get some solutions.
Best wishes
Brajesh Kumar Sohrot
Dear Brajesh Kumar,
ReplyDeleteI've forwarded your comment to a Club Mahindra executive... In case of any update they may contact you directly...
Best wishes
Dear Shrinidhi,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your support. I hope their senior management team will intervene now and I hope for the best.
let us hope for the best
ReplyDeleteDear Srinidhi,
ReplyDeleteI am too a harrased customer of Club Mahindra, i have been paying my EMI on time, how ever i am unable to get booking in any of their resorts. All the resorts are booked for the next 5 months. I have also aked for a refund, how ever per their policy, no refund is applicable, means you loose all the hard earned monney that you shed out.
How does one get connected to their management so that they can get their problem addressed?
Its a issue if a common man's Rs. 2 Lac is down the drain with even getting the services. I urge the SEBI, Government and all competent authorities to step in and help the common man from being cheated.
Appreciate if you could help me out.
Dear Srinidhi,
ReplyDeleteI am too a harrased customer of Club Mahindra, i have been paying my EMI on time, how ever i am unable to get booking in any of their resorts. All the resorts are booked for the next 5 months. I have also aked for a refund, how ever per their policy, no refund is applicable, means you loose all the hard earned monney that you shed out.
How does one get connected to their management so that they can get their problem addressed?
Its a issue if a common man's Rs. 2 Lac is down the drain with even getting the services. I urge the SEBI, Government and all competent authorities to step in and help the common man from being cheated.
Appreciate if you could help me out.
Beware Beware
ReplyDeleteIt sadness me that a might brand like MAHINDRA is being so badly diluted because of the manner Club Mahindra is being operated.
I had singed up with an option of cancellation within 48 hours. The agent Vinit Parikh drove all the way from Andheri to Thane in one hour to "explain" the concept and with his sales talks. Explained that i could opt of the 48-hur-cancellation policy but as he came all the way it would be good to sign up.
With 24 hour i call back, he refused to answer my calls I sent an email as proof, no reply or acknowledgment.
Since then December 26, today 2nd March 2009, i am trying to get my money back.
And Hey, the email option, automated fancy words,
And then a real email stating some one will get back.
You call their office and talk no use, only waste of time.
So I am waiting and now during this time have seen the various bogs about Club Mahindra so disappointing.
The Member Relation Manager some Ajay Nambiar sent me an email when I first said cancellation asking me reasons etc but after that refused to answer any email.
I wonder if Mr. Anand Mahindra how badly his company’s image is being tarnished by the sloppy manner the staff is handling member issues.
Beware Beware
ReplyDeleteIt sadness me that a might brand like MAHINDRA is being so badly diluted because of the manner Club Mahindra is being operated.
I had singed up with an option of cancellation within 48 hours. The agent Vinit Parikh drove all the way from Andheri to Thane in one hour to "explain" the concept and with his sales talks. Explained that i could opt of the 48-hur-cancellation policy but as he came all the way it would be good to sign up.
With 24 hour i call back, he refused to answer my calls I sent an email as proof, no reply or acknowledgment.
Since then December 26, today 2nd March 2009, i am trying to get my money back.
And Hey, the email option, automated fancy words,
And then a real email stating some one will get back.
You call their office and talk no use, only waste of time.
So I am waiting and now during this time have seen the various bogs about Club Mahindra so disappointing.
The Member Relation Manager some Ajay Nambiar sent me an email when I first said cancellation asking me reasons etc but after that refused to answer any email.
I wonder if Mr. Anand Mahindra how badly his company’s image is being tarnished by the sloppy manner the staff is handling member issues.
Members of Club Mahindra are required to pay ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CHARGES of about Rs.7,000+ which keeps increasing every year on the basis of what they call some inflationary rate.
ReplyDeleteThey have a rule that the maximum no. of holidays which can be accumulated is 21 days and beyond that if holidays are not availed , they will lapse.
How far it is fair to lapse the unavailed holidays beyond 21 days, when the Members are paying Annual Maintenance Charges.
This Elapsing clause of more than 21 days unavailed holidays is illegal, unfair and unjustifiable, which should be removed immediately by CLUB MAHINDRA.
ReplyDeleteI support prabhakar's comment on lapsing holidays beyond 21 days. I have been a victim of this and i find it very difficult to get a vacation for the plan i have and the choice i have.
And after trying all this options, when you don't get the bookings due to non-availability of the resorts as per your dates you have forgo the vacation holidays.
I appreciate if they have this clause where on my request of a holiday of my choice during my plan dates is available but i didn't avail it not when i try but the slots are not there and then i have to forego the vacation.
They have a over booking of members to such an extent i fell that over 60% of the members may be losing the vacation bank + the AMC which we may is an additional bonus to them.
Ashok and Sujay,
ReplyDeleteTry these escalation points if you haven't...
Level 2 : qrc@clubmahindra.com
Level 3 : headmemberelations@clubmahindra.com
Prabhakar and Prakash,
Yes, as I put in my questions, it is unfair to confiscate days when a member couldn't use them, for no fault of his but because all resorts were full whenever he wanted to use...
Atleast CM should have some kind of commitment-like guaranteed bookings for those who book say 3-4 months in advance or something like that. WHen there's some sort of commitment from CM it becomes fair to expect same from its members. Else it is like expecting members to do charity...
I guess am reading this really late and whether posting this will be useful now.
ReplyDeleteBut take a moment and think about this Business Model in comparison to a Hotel and you will understand why it borders on scam
Hotels, put in their money build the property and wait for you to come but....
in Club Mahindra they take your money, build property and even when you want to holiday they tell you , Sorry Sir its full
What a wonderful business model to be in ???
I wish to buy unused Club Mahindra Memebership
ReplyDeletePl contact
Rajendra Khanorkar
901 Satyam Apts
Dhantoli Wardha Road
ReplyDeletei am working with Shoogloo Affiliate Marketing and we are running Club Mahindra Campaign on lead basis. you have a good blog and you can earn a good amount of money while promoting lead base campaigns o your blog. to know more about organisation and join us please viist : http://network.shoogloo.com
I'm aghast after reading so much in-depth analysis and the detailed posts of so many aggrieved members - and all this pouring in since 2007 and perhaps even earlier - cannot imagine how much time and effort some of you, especially Shrinidhi and Bhupesh, have invested in order for people to be aware of the reality.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet, so many of us have still got taken in by the sales gimmics of 'Now or Never' offer by these Club Mahindra conmen who do not want to give a prospective a chance to even step out and research for a club mahindra complaint.
This will continue unless and until we form a group and hoist ourselves at the sales offices of CM to warn more gullible innocents from being framed.
It is indeed surprising that despite so much unearthing of reality till date there is no Government enquiry initiated nor any investigation by the Economic Offences Wing. It is hard to believe that they are not aware of it - or is it just another case of `This happens only in India' where people tolerate and government machinery looks the other way for a private sum.
Stay out of Club Mahindra membership! I have been a member for 11 years. And, this year I decided to discontinue. First, their oral promises and comments made during time of payments are denied by the corporate office later on. Second, it is extremely difficult to get booking at your convenience. I suspect that they sell rooms to outsiders. I once called for Manali reservation and was told that it is fully booked. I ended up going to the resort and found empty rooms. I realized that they were holding these rooms for potential non-members. There are too many things. But, I just ended my membership. They have great properties, but only if you can get a reservation in your preferred time.
ReplyDeleteHe He He ,
ReplyDeleteI know these gimmicks and therefore i fill all the forms in Bigbazar of CM, CC, SH and others, go to there 1 hr ppt. enjoy tea and take the free voucher my home and then by paying same annual fees i get holiday :) :) the membership is free ( only thing to be noted is to provide a diff ph. no. and mail id each time :) :) :) )
He He He ,
ReplyDeleteI know these gimmicks and therefore i fill all the forms in Bigbazar of CM, CC, SH and others, go to there 1 hr ppt. enjoy tea and take the free voucher my home and then by paying same annual fees i get holiday :) :) the membership is free ( only thing to be noted is to provide a diff ph. no. and mail id each time :) :) :) )
Dushi: Good one, but not many people managed to get free holidays this way
ReplyDeleteAby, Nilesh: Thanks
Rajendra: Use my other post to publish buy/sell entries
Radha, Kamal: Thanks for sharing your thoughts
As a member when tried for peak season booking it is not available since i have a Non-peek season. However at the same time out side travel agents are selling at 3300/ per night (not through member transfter). How can this possible?
ReplyDeleteAs a member when tried for peak season booking it is not available since i have a Non-peek season. However at the same time out side travel agents are selling at 3300/ per night (not through member transfter). How can this possible?
ReplyDeleteHi Shrinidhi,
ReplyDeleteI was evaluating Sterling versus Mahindra for a holiday package. After reading your article I decided not to go ahead. It is shocking to see many bad experiences with the sales guys. I have given this feedback to them. Thank you and also all the people who shared their experience, this helped me not to go for it.
Dear Shrinidhi, Great Work! I am a Zest member for the past two years and was considering upgrading to CM. Now they are planning to close down Zest. CM members have been given access to Zest Resorts. Earlier expansion plans for adding new resorts also seems to have been dropped. I feel cheated. Let me know your views.
ReplyDeleteSad to know they're closing Zest. With only 1 weekend per year rule, it didn't make any sense buying the membership
Are they not offering any compensation/refund package to existing members?
Team up with other members
I want to sell my club Mahindra membership as we have moved to Singapore. We have gone to various club Mahindra resorts and we have found the resorts, it's location and services one of the best. So far we have visited their goa shimla manali coorg nainitial Corbett resorts and they were very nice.
ReplyDeleteI have a 1 bhk red apartment. I bought it in 2010, and want to sell it for 350000. If interested please contact me on email seemasanghani@gmail.com or +6594555051.
Also I have unused 20 days as of now.
Thanks Seema
I want to bye red season card no 9822620805
ReplyDeletei want to buy red or white studio for inr 100000. but it must be 2010 onwards. my whatsapp number 7739078550. my mail id runindia7@gmail.com