eNidhi India-Blog Disclaimer - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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eNidhi India-Blog Disclaimer

All contents of this blog are governed by these policies.

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9. The author doesn’t have commercial interest in blogging at this moment and may not accept invitations/requests of certain type which he deems inappropriate.

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All links given to commercial websites will carry rel=”nofollow” tag, for the fear that Google will interpret them as sponsored posts and may choose to penalize me. Please be informed that I’m not doing any sponsored posting on this blog (as of now) and articles/links on commercial websites are given because I find them relevant/interesting/useful to the readers.

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  1. A disclaimer is a statement that basically holds you, and all who blog on your blog, harmless from prosecution. Disclaimers can be placed in the footer or sidebar, if short, or on a Page with the link in your footer or sidebar, or even at the bottom of your blog posts or comments form.

    buzz marketting

  2. hi,

    Can I copy your disclaimer and modify it to be used in my blog? I am going to add one more thing which is to state that,

    "The comments posted by my reader does not represent my view and there are some degrees of control on comments through an approval process by administrators."

    What do you think?

  3. @ Peter

    @ Rashidee,

    I would appreciate if you can give a credit with a link while using the disclaimer text.

    Yes, idea on comment disclaimer is very good.

  4. Good one eNidhi.U seem like a seasoned blogger.Wud like yr honest opinion and how to improve mine pls:-


  5. Thanks

    Your blog isn't making much sense to me-looks as if you're posting few news headlines and couple of lines description.

    Write little more...

  6. hello Srinidhi,

    I've taken the liberty of using your disclaimer on my blog. I've linked up this article as a credit, as you've asked in the comment above. Hope ital all fine.

    and Thanks :)

  7. I was wondering if I could also copy your disclaimer and modify it to be used in my blog?

    I will provide you with a link back.

  8. Hi Nidhi,

    I have Used a part your disclaimer and have provided the back link - Tech Baraha

  9. Hello. I'm new to blogging and though my blog does not pose any immediate danger of lawsuit or anything (it's a fashion blog btw), I've taken the pleasure of writing a disclaimer. It's fun. I've taken some idea from your disclaimer, so I would like to give you a credit for such...

    Here's my blog

  10. I have found your disclaimer to be most appropriate for blog sites. May I use your disclaimer as a reference?

  11. Thanks Raveesh, Michael

    Kim, Go ahead. Do provide credit and backlink

    Thanks a lot

  12. Hi Shrinidhi,
    I found your disclaimer really appropriate and I have used some points in my blog disclaimer. Here is the .
    Thank You so much

  13. Dear Shrinidhi,

    I have taken the liberty of copying your disclaimer and modifying it to suit the needs of my blog. I've linked up this article in my blog's disclaimer to give you due credit.
    My blog's URL is http://vijayanganapathy.blogspot.in


  14. Vijayan: Thanks

    MC: Link seems to be missing

  15. Hi, I have used your Blog Disclaimer and given credit.

  16. Can you give your blog URL? Unable to trace from G+ profile

  17. Hi! I copied your disclaimer and posted some of it in my website. I hope it's ok.

    Here - http://www.yettezkiedoodle.com/disclaimer/

  18. I found your disclaimer suite for my blog. I am using most of it by giving credit as a link to your blog.

  19. Hi,

    I am really impressed by your disclaimer, can I copy the contents of your disclaimer ? I will provide a reference link to your blog and give credit to you. Thanks for understanding!

  20. Notalldb2

    I am fine with it, if you give credit and link. Go ahead and use it.

    Yette and Sam: Thanks for giving credit and link

    Jaswinder: Thanks

  21. Sure: url: http://www.keyaspectscoaching.com/general/keyaspectscoaching-blog-disclaimer/
    thanks again

  22. Thank you for the wonderful disclaimer. I am using it for my website.

    I have given credit. the URL will be http://ultirags.com/website-disclaimer

    The website is currently under-construction.


  23. Thanks Raghuraman, but tried visiting your site, it says under construction..

  24. Hi there,

    I copy some of your lines, modify them accordingly, and paste them in my LinkedIn articles if you don't mind. I will give you credit via a link and short wording if you don't mind.


  25. Hi Eric.

    You may go ahead. Pls provide a credit/link

  26. I've taken the liberty to adapt your disclaimer to my blog. I've credited your link as you've requested in previous comments. Please let me know if you'd like for me to remove. Otherwise, I'll assume it is okay. Thank you!

  27. Hi Shrinidhi,

    I am creating, a new blog site and am looking for appropriate disclaimer. Can I use this in my blog and provide a link to the source. Also is it okay if I edit it according to my needs? Thanks.

  28. HI Shrinidhi,

    I am creating a new blog and wish to use your disclaimer for the same. Appropriate credit will be given. I hope you do not mind.

    1. Alright. Pls link to this post. What is your blog URL?


Appreciate your efforts and interests to comment. Comments may be moderated due to increased spam. Will ideally respond to comments within few days.Use Anonymous option if you don't wish to leave your name/ID behind- Shrinidhi

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