eNidhi wins Review of the day Contest - eNidhi India Travel Blog
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eNidhi wins Review of the day Contest

July 2020 Update: I've removed links to Mouthshut website.

This writer has won a prize from Mouthshut.com for his video review of the product Olympus FE 170. (Though the prize has never materialized) The video review that describes features of Olympus Digital Camera, which I posted in mouthshut.com has been adjudged as one of the best video reviews under “Post a video review contest” held by mouthshut.com (MS is a consumer review website, very popular and one of its kind in Asia) Check the image for details. Check the link to check the page yourselves http://www.mouthshut.com/community/community.php (Page contents will change over time and may not match above image exactly) As a prize I’ll be getting domestic flight tickets from flightraja.com. Details on this are awaited but I guess I'll end up spending more money than the prize value while redeeming it (in terms of taxes and other expenses). Irrespective of the prize, its always nice to win some prize and it was long time I hadn’t won any. Check the prize winning video here

July 21 2007 Update: 7 Months after winning, I've NOT got any prizes what so ever. Have abandoned pursuit after repeated communication with Mouthshut didn't result in anything materialistic benefits. Full details of this non fulfillment of the promise from Flightraja and Mouthshut can be read here. April 2009 Update: Mouthshut has disabled my account for claiming ownership of my content- Read more in this post


  1. Thanks Raveesh and Rakesh..

    But I'm yet to hear from them

  2. @Nikhil,

    Well, I've continued writing at MS because I have some pretty good readership there and get instant feedback...

    Have already abandoned hope that they will give air tickets..

  3. This website is the most effective I enjoyed it substantially

  4. Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!


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