Interview wth Brinda Malhotra, Head of CSR, Aircel
I had an opportunity to do an email interview with Brinda Malhota, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Aircel. She had been working closely on the Save the Tigers campaign that Aircel spearheaded. I used this opportunity to ask some questions about the tiger conservation and related topics, based on little knowledge of tigers that I had.

What began in 2008 as an effort to bolster the dwindling tiger numbers in
India has now started showing encouraging results, thanks to the relentless
contribution from various stakeholders. This is evident from the increase in
numbers from 1411 tigers in 2008 to the roaring 2226 tigers today. We are
absolutely delighted to have contributed to this cause of tiger conservation.
This success is the result of collective efforts and commitment of volunteers,
forest department officials, locals, conservationists, Aircel employees, people
who have contributed funds to this cause and to every citizen who raised their
voice to Save Our Tigers – this
success belongs to each and every one of us.
It has given a fresh lease of life not only to Tigers, but also to many
conservationists who have dedicated their lives to conservation. It gives them
renewed hope and optimism. However, we believe that there are miles to go
before the roar of the Tiger returns to its full glory.
Q2: Give us an overview of tiger
census- how does the counting happen? How do we know that same tiger is not
counted twice or some tigers are not counted at all? How much of it is
technology and how much is human effort?
latest tiger census methodology has been the most comprehensive scientific
technique used till date. For the first time, National Tiger Conservation
Authority has taken help from Wildlife Institute of India in collaboration with
conservationists. The process consists
of three phases: Phase I- on ground data is collected by field personal who
follow a standardized protocol. In Phase II- Human intervention is reduced and
technology helps in validating data collected by the field personal.
Statistical and satellite data is added to this data and analyzed. This data is
further validated in Phase III using the camera trapping procedure. This unique
process has resulted in capturing photographs of 70 percent unique tigers in
the wild. This mix of human and technology has been appreciated by many
conservationists and we believe that it is a step in the right direction.
Source: Ministry of Environment & Forests
Q3: I would like to know a bit
about Pilibhit tiger reserve in UP, close to Nepal Border. Is it an active
tiger reserve? Is it open to public? I had as close as 25kms to this reserve
but couldn’t proceed because of bad roads, not enough information and shortage
of time. [My experience trying to visit Pilibhit here]
Pilibhit Tiger reserve has a very high conservation value in
terms of its tiger population. According to a study by Wildlife Institute of
India (WII), tiger population in Dudhwa-Pilibhit is the only species having the
ecological and behavioral adaptations of the tiger unique to the larger Tarai
region on the Indo- Nepal borders. It is an active reserve and is open to
public from September to June. The reserve has its own tourist lodges and
forest rest houses at Barahi, Mustafabad, Nawadia to name a few.
The Dudhwa-Pilibhit Tiger reserve is very close to our hearts at Aircel and we have many active on ground projects in this reserve. We launched a program called Primary Response Team (PRT) in Dudhwa-Pilibhit Region of UP. PRTs bring additional resources towards managing the Human-Animal conflicts. The PRTs essentially form the ‘first response’ group that not only address the situation on ground, but are also crucial in relaying information to relevant Forest Departments.
Aircel and WTI have been instrumental in the formation of 9 such PRT teams. Each of these teams has shown remarkable results by addressing conflict situations autonomously. Aircel has recently rewarded two teams for their exceptional performance in defusing tense situations.
Further information can be found on
Q 4.
Have there been any improvements in Anti-poaching laws since your campaign? Was
there any improvements in its enforcement? Or were there any efforts to reach
out to poachers and try convincing them about giving up?
We have been making concerted efforts towards stringent
anti-poaching law and also its enforcement.
We have witnessed a remarkable rise in conviction rates of poachers and wildlife traffickers. Tiger conservation efforts from places like Nepal that has seen zero poaching incidents in 2014 are a learning. Community based anti-poaching units have shown remarkable results in Nepal. We believe that for many years there has been an educated view about different wildlife species wishing to be in the forest, and they enter human habitats only because forests are shrinking. However, the reality is that some level of interaction and conflict is bound to occur when people and wildlife are sharing space and resources more so in a rapidly developing country like ours. By focusing our efforts towards mitigating these conflicts and through our small yet effective initiatives like PRT, we are taking steps in the direction of establishing a process to mitigate perils of co-existence.
We have witnessed a remarkable rise in conviction rates of poachers and wildlife traffickers. Tiger conservation efforts from places like Nepal that has seen zero poaching incidents in 2014 are a learning. Community based anti-poaching units have shown remarkable results in Nepal. We believe that for many years there has been an educated view about different wildlife species wishing to be in the forest, and they enter human habitats only because forests are shrinking. However, the reality is that some level of interaction and conflict is bound to occur when people and wildlife are sharing space and resources more so in a rapidly developing country like ours. By focusing our efforts towards mitigating these conflicts and through our small yet effective initiatives like PRT, we are taking steps in the direction of establishing a process to mitigate perils of co-existence.
Q 5.
Being in tiger conservation, I assume you might have visited Tiger Temple in
Thailand- Kanchanaburi. Any comments on that place? (There’s some criticism
about the whole idea, curious to know your thoughts.) Would something of that
sort be viable/useful in India?
We have much ground to cover in India before we can take up
initiatives similar to the Tiger Temple in Thailand. With a growing population
and booming economy we cannot afford to lose steam towards this cause. Also,
in India we are home to 70 % of the world’s Tiger population. Our conservation
efforts have been focused on conserving tigers in the wild as they are the
indicators of the overall health of the ecosystem and we should continue our
efforts towards it.
Also read: Tiger Temple Thailand- Accusations & Answers *
Q 6. If
I am an ordinary citizen and I have a weekend to spare- how can I get involved
in tiger conservation or other voluntary activities in this regard? Whom to
contact and what kind of contributions everyone can do?
If we want to have more tigers in the world, we must speak up
and speak loudly. In the words of renowned field biologist George Schaller, “I
learned long ago that conservation has no victories. It’s a never-ending
process that each of us must take part in.” The new tiger numbers have given us
a lot of hope to continue this fight for tigers, for our future, for our
children`s future. You can also start
working with institutions like Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) who undertake a number
of on ground activities like educating locals about the importance conversation
which can be a big boost to the conservation efforts. You could play a major
role in mobilizing the masses to support this cause through social media –
using Aircel’s Facebook page on Save Our Tigers (, Twitter handle ( and the website
( You could use your blogs to voice your
concern and support for the tiger and this way you could help us ensure that
the cause gets the necessary attention and action from relevant stakeholders.
Tiger Safaris in reserve forests- do they disturb wildlife? Or is it better to
have them as it deters poaching? What is your take?
The challenge of balancing conservation and economic growth can
be answered by spreading the message of responsible tourism. There are
stringent guidelines laid out by Ministry of Environment and Forests for
tourism activities in tiger reserves in the country. We believe that this
should be based on scientific carrying capacity and sustainability principles.
We at Aircel are currently working on a model towards responsible tourism in
Tiger Reserves. Also, it provides the local population residing around the
reserves employment opportunities and helps boost the local economy. This is
actually a very significant way to prevent the locals from entering the forests
in search of wood for their livelihood and hence, prevents deforestation.
Q 8.
What motivated Aircel to spend big money on ‘Save Our Tigers’ campaign of all
the social causes? Would Aircel continue this initiative or it will be wrapped
up after this success?
In 2008, we as a company recognized the urgency of the depleting
Tiger population and drew up a sustained and long-term strategy for the cause.
The Tiger, also our national animal, symbolizes strength and courage. It has
been eulogized in our history, poetry, cinema, literature and the list goes on.
As Indians, we transact the Tiger on a daily basis – take a look at a 10 Rupee
note – the 3 animals that are featured there is the Elephant, Rhino and the
While the fact that ‘1411’
tigers were left in the wild in India triggered the ‘Save Our Tigers’
initiative, Aircel also felt that being in the communication space, we had an
opportunity to give voice to the cause of Tiger protection.
We followed a two pronged approach:
First, create a buzz around the importance of conservation
through a campaign that highlighted the dwindling tiger population – “Just 1411
left”. This was the first wake up call to people on a mass scale about the
significance of Tiger conservation and its impact on our future.
Simultaneously, we also launched several on ground initiatives on a war-footing
to support and run projects to save this magnificent creature through a
collaboration with our NGO partners, conservationists and Forest officials.
Today we celebrate the fruits of our labour and are proud that we made a
contribution towards increasing the roar of the Tiger.
Our efforts have been and will continue to be focused on
promoting conservation and sustainable natural resources management helping eco
systems and livelihoods become more resilient towards this cause. Our endeavor
to collectively raise voices and act on the issue of sustaining life on this
planet will remain by providing life for tigers and ensuring life for our
In addition, since Aircel is
a young telecom service provider with its key target audience as the youth,
‘Save Our Tigers’ was taken up as a cause
so that we could secure the environment for our future generation, the
tiger being one of the key enablers for ensuring ecological balance. We believe
that youth of today are much more aware and passionate about causes related to
the environment. They can act as key influencers in spreading the message of
tiger conservation. We are reaching out to kids and youth through focused
initiatives like organizing panel discussions in various universities/colleges
on the cause. We are also leveraging the digital medium to drive conversations
around the topic.
Q 9.
What numbers of tiger population you’re targeting by next census? (say couple of
Even as we celebrate this increase in Tiger numbers, we should
not be complacent. We still have a long way to go. With strong cooperation
among the Centre, the states, corporates and the non-governmental sector, there
is no reason why we cannot aspire to eventually have many more tigers in the
wild in India.
Q 10.
What other species is as endangered as tigers today? What are all should be our
other priorities when it comes to wildlife?
We look forward to continued support from various stakeholders
towards this dream of conservation and co-existence becoming a part of the way
we live. Saving Mother Nature and its conversation is not an end, but it is the
very essence of our being. In India we are lucky to have not just the world’s
largest population of tigers, but also the only surviving population of the
Asiatic lion in the Gir forest. Snow leopards in the Hemis National Park;
barasingha deer in Kanha; and two-thirds of the world’s one-horned rhinos in
Kaziranga are a testament to the rich wilderness India beholds. As our economy
grows, we will increasingly see pressure on the various wildlife habitats in
this country. Rampant destruction of natural habitats through agricultural
expansion, urbanization, mining and other industrial and developmental
pressures are increasingly pushing wildlife to the edge. We need to
conserve these forests for a better future alongside the growth of the economy.
Wildlife has been there for generations and they will continue to be a part of
lives if we protect their habitat and treat them with respect that they
Similar: Tiger upclose photos from Thyavarekoppa *
Wonderful Qs & As.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview.
Nice to learn. Happy for the success.
Save The Tigers is a great initiative! Kudos.
We all must speak up & take part.
Thanks ANita