Chitlapakkam Lake, near Tambaram Chennai - eNidhi India Travel Blog

Chitlapakkam Lake, near Tambaram Chennai

Chitlapakkam has a large lake, which I had not explored so far. Got to spend some time around it and here're some photos for you.

Chitlapakkam is located off GST road, after Airport but before Tambaram. Anna University's MIT Campus is also closeby. Follow google maps or after Pallavaram, go on the overbridge and take left (There is a display mentioning Chitlapakkam.

Pelicans, Painted storks, Cormorants and many other birds can be spotted in the lake.

 Fishing seem to be favorite pass time for local people.

Lake has nice walk way around it, few trees on the bank and cool breeze blowing around. It is certainly worth a visit. Carzonrent garage is also nearby!


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